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User Forum 2020


No 'get together' this year due to Covid-19 However we did provide a Zoom session on Tuesday 14th July and Thursday 16th July!


Presentation Slides from the Forum 2020

User Forum 2019


​Here are some of your comments about this year’s forum:

Informative, Clear & concise, Forward thinking, Supportive, Instructive, Invaluable!  


​Here is a full summary of your feedback. 



Post-It Note Questions:

1. What is the status regarding the wish lists already posted on User Voice?

Depending on the number of votes, they are taken to the development team for consideration of being included in the Road Map


2. First name searches rather than surname only on the student details Quick search button

This is posted on User Voice under ‘search for child’s first name in quick search’ and recorded as being under review. Why not register your votes to this request?


3. Will the parent portal do school defined parental permissions?

This will be considered as part of development work around GDPR and parent portal


4. Can you add parental consent (e.g. photo permission) to student emergency contact reports please?
This will be considered as part of development work around GDPR and scope of parental permissions


5. Standard class list reports without surnames
It is likely that the basis for this request is around GDPR and will be considered in the development work around compliance with GDPR


6. Identify more easily where permission not granted (e.g. photo not to go on web site) on student record
As per GDPR development work above


Have a go at our  Integris Quiz and here are the answers:  Quiz Answers

User Forum 2018


It was great to see so many of you at our forum this year.

You told us it was Informative, Helpful,  Relaxed, Variety, Interesting, Supportive, Collaborative, Reassuring, Well Led, very very useful !   ………


Here is a full summary of your feedback. 


Forum materials:




  • Post-It Note Questions


  • Subject Access report – will ‘Download’ button be active even if no data present for certain areas e.g. behaviour etc.? Yes – the Download button appears and you can go through the process. The resulting output page will show no data present.


  • Staff Absences require simplifying – tedious job Please get in touch with us so we can explore this further!


  • Quick Search box on student info screen should be able to search for first name, not just surname. This suggestion is already on RM User Voice (under ‘search for child’s first name in quick search’) with 121 votes currently and under review by RM.



Integris Quiz and Quiz Answers





G2 User Forum 2017


Many thanks to all of you who were able to attend our forum this year. We were affected by a bout of ‘purdah’ but managed to deliver the tabled agenda as planned!


You told us it was Informative,  Helpful,  Excellent, Extremely useful………


Here is a full summary of your feedback. 


Forum materials:

User Forum 2016

Our thanks to all of you who were able to attend our annual G2 User Forum 2016.

You told us from your feedback that you found the event


Informative; Enlightening; Helpful; Relevant; Insightful; Enjoyable and Professional

Below you will find links to the presentation slides:

G2 User Forum 2016 Presentation Slides 


PostIt Questions AND Answers 

G2 Quiz and G2 Quiz Answers  


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