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List of sent emails to schools

2023 - 2024


3rd June 2024 - CBICT Update 14 - latest for this half-term

3rd June 2024 - CBICT Update 13 - Important news about Integris

23rd May 2024 - CBICT Update 12 - end of half-term roundup

7th May 2024 - CBICT Update 11 - Census, GIAP and Unify Survey

16th April 2024 - CBICT Update 10 - Key Items for Summer Term

20th March 2024 - CBICT Update 9 - Preparing for the summer term 2024

27th February 2024 - CBICT Update 8 - latest Integris updates, zoom sessions and more....

26th January 2024 - CBICT Update 7 - Helpdesk 24/5, LiteBites and Jan zoom sessions
3rd January 2024 - CBICT Update 6 - Spring Census and January zoom sessions

27th November 2023 - CBICT Update 5 - Zoom sessions in December

31st October 2023 - CBICT Update 4 - SWF Census update

25th September 2023 - CBICT Update 3 - Integris updates and more zoom sessions

1st September 2023 - CBICT Update 2 - Statutory RBA - for Integris Administrators

1st September 2023 - CBICT Update 1 - Key messages for Unify/Integris administrators


2022 - 2023


20th July 2023 - CBICT Update 17 - Enhanced Services and end of term messages

11th July 2023 - CBICT Update 16 - latest assessment and other updates

28th June 2023 - CBICT Update 15 - assessments, PP download file and zoom sessions

26th June 2023 - CBICT Update 14 - Assessment update including Phonics threshold

24th May 2023 - CBICT Update 13 - urgent action - change to Integris URL

3rd May 2023 - CBICT Update 12 - More Zoom training/briefing sessions

17th April 2023 - CBICT Update 11- brief update on summer term support

24th March 2023 - CBICT Update 10 - Preparing for summer term

3rd February 2023 - CBICT Update 9 - Attendance, census and further training sessions

4th January 2023 - CBICT Update 8 - Spring Census and training reminder



2021 - 2022


15th December 2022 - CBICT - Update 7 - Datashare, GDPR & Parent Portal

7th December 2022 - CBICT Update 6 - Parent Bookings free trial offer!

7th December 2022 - CBICT Update 5 - latest updates

6th December 2022 - CBICT Update 4 - Attendance monitoring

15th September 2022 - CBICT Update 3 - Recording bank holiday and Census Zoom sessions

8th September 2022 - CBICT Update 2 - Statutory RBA for Reception children

5th September 2022 - CBCIT Update 1 - Key messages for Autumn term 2022

11th July 2022 - CBICT Update 22 - PP Download file now available

5th July 2022 - CBICT Update 21 - Provisional KS2 Results for Year 6 pupils

30th June 2022 - CBICT Update 20 - roundup and zoom sessions

20th June 2022 - CBICT Update 19 - Phonics threshold and Integris upgrade 3.156

20th April 2022 - CBICT Update 18 - Zoom sessions this summer term 

1st April 2022 - CBICT Update 17 - Support for next term

23rd March 2022 - CBICT Update 16 - Drop-in Briefings and summer assessments

2nd March 2022 - CBICT Update 15 - Integris update and Parent Portal

10th February 2022 - CBICT Update 14 - Update on Attendance and Unify/Parent Portal

4th January 2022 - CBICT Update 13 - Spring Census and DfE latest on Covid

9th December 2021 - CBICT Update 12 - Integris Release Updates

6th December 2021 - CBICT Update 11 - SMS Text messages and Super Admin Refresher sessions on Zoom

26th November 2021 - CBICT Update 10 - Launching Parents Evening Booking System

2nd November 2021 - CBICT Update 8 - Responding to CBC attendance data request

5th October 2021 - CBICT Update 7 - Census update

22nd September 2021 - CBICT Update 6 - Updates on Unify, Census and Zoom sessions

10th September 2021 - CBICT Update 5 - Update on attendance recording relating to Covid

9th September 2021 - CBICT Update 4 - Statutory RBA for Reception Year

8th September 2021 - CBICT Update 3 - Assessment for 21/22

7th September 2021 - CBICT Update 2 - Census and other support information 21/22

29th August 2021 - CBICT Update 1 - key messages before start of Autumn term 2021

13th July 2021 - CBICT Update 30 - Pupil Premium & Zoom Drop In sessions

5th July 2021 - CBICT Update 29 - Assessment roundup

30th June 2021 - CBICT Update 28 - UNIFY transition and Integris updates

11th June 2021 - CBICT Update 27 - Reports to parents DFE Guidance just released

17th May 2021 - CBICT Update 26 - important summer term messages

12th April 2021 - CBICT Update 25 - Integris Plus Rollout - Sign -up! 

11th April 2021 - CBICT Update 24 - Important messages for the summer term

26th March 2021 - CBICT Update 23 - End of term message

16th March 2021 - CBICT Update 22 - API Attendance project update

8th March 2021 - CBICT Update 21 - API Attendance project update

2nd March 2021 - CBICT Update 20 - Attendance update

24th February 2021 - CBICT Update 19 - Zoom sessions this half-term

23rd February 2021 - CBICT Update 18 - New Attendance sub-codes and GDPR

3rd February 2021 - CBICT Update 17 - Attendance update on Code C

21st January 2021 - CBICT Update 16 - Census queries update

20th January 2021- CBICT Update 15 - EYF School Census and attendance update

18th January 2021 - CBICT Update 14 - School Census update during lockdown

13th January 2021 - CBICT Update 13 (3) - Support for completing DfE Status form

12th January 2021 - CBICT Update 13 (2) - essential UDIs for completing DfE Educational Status form guidance

11th January 2021- CBICT Update 13 (1) - Support for DfE Daily Status Form

5th January 2021 - CBICT Update 11 - Important support information



2020 - 2021

14th December 2020 - CBICT Update 10 - Phonics Aut 2020 & Communications Centre

23rd November 2020 - CBICT Update 9 - update on RM Unify session this Wednesday!

13th November 2020 - CBICT Update 8 - Integris Unify and more Zoom sessions

13th November 2020 - CBICT Update 7 - Y2 Phonics, GDPR & Remote Learning

12th October 2020 - CBICT Update 6 - Updated 121020 DfE Daily Collection Form

5th October 2020 - CBICT Update 5a - Zoom sessions and RM Webinars

18th September 2020 - CBICT Update 5 - Phonics Year 2 Aut 20 return

8th September 2020 - CBICT Update 4 - Clarification on Attendance and DfE online return

7th September 2020 - CBICT Update 3 - assessments update for 20/21

7th September 2020 - CBICT Update 2 - REVISED Daily Attendance Collection sheet

2nd September 2020 - CBICT Update 1 - Important messages for new term

17th July 2020 - CBICT Update 17 - PP Download and Forum slides

5th July 2020 - CBICT Update 16 - Year End, Enhanced Services & Zoom Forum

11th June 2020 - CBICT Update 15 - further update on attendance

7th June 2020 - CBICT Update 14 - Urgent Attendance update and DfE Online Return

1st June 2020 - CBICT Update 13 - attendance for YN,R,1 & 6 pupils

29th May 2020 - Update on attendance

19th May 2020 - CBICT Update 12 - Summer jobs and Zoom sessions

30th April 2020 - CBICT Update 11 - Zoom sessions and working securely

20th April 2020 - CBICT Update 10 - Census and Year End 2020

3rd April 2020 - CBICT Update 9 - Coronavirus - end of term update

31st March 2020 - CBICT Update 8 - FSM Voucher scheme

30th March 2020 - CBICT Update 7 - Coronavirus closure

27th March 2020 - CBICT Update 7 - Coronavirus

25th March 2020 - CBICT Update 6 - Coronavirus Attendance

24th March 2020 - CBICT Update 5 - Coronavirus attendance

23rd March 2020 - CBICT Update 4 - Coronavirus attendance

23rd March 2020 - CBICT Update 3 - CoronaVirus - Recording attendance

20th March 2020 - CBICT Update 2 - Recording attendance during closure period

19th March 2020 - CBICT update 1 - 'closure' period due to CoronaVirus

11th March 2020 - Integris Users Forum - invitation


2019 - 2020

20th December 2019 - Thank you from CBICT

25th November 2019 - Meet up for Integris schools in Beds

5th November 2019 - SWF Census update from CBICT

29th October 2019 - urgent SWF Census update from CBICT

2nd October 2019 - urgent - Census Known Issues

2nd September 2019 - Key messages for Integris users - new term

16th July 2019 - CBICT update - Year End warning message

15th July 2019 - CBICT Update on PP Download and other reporting

8th July 2019 - Integris News Summer 2019 (edition 14)

4th July 2019 - CBICT Enhanced Services for 2019-20

10th May 2019 - CBICT User Forum 2019

25th April 2019 - Assessment Returns 2019 - all resources now available

25th April 2019 - Key messages from CBICT for Summer 2019

2nd April 2019 - Important update from CBICT

12th Feb 2019 - Helpdesk for 19/20 Letter

5th Jan 2019 - Spring Newsletter sent to all schools


2018 - 2019

5th September 2018 - Integris Update - Support for Autumn term

28th June 2018 - GDPR Update 3 - final additional model documents

25th June 2018 - Phonics threshold mark 2018 announced

3rd June 2018 - GDPR Update 2 - additional model documents

7th May 2018 - User Forum slides and feedback

1st May 2018 - Reminder - User Forum this Friday - have you booked?

27th April 2018 - Integris update - Cover Letter templates for New Pupil Form

24th April 2018 - GDPR Update for schools

19th April 2018 - Important - Integris update and more...

12th March 2018 - Spring Newsletter sent to all schools

31st January 2018 - GDPR Briefing and Follow-Up Session - more dates!

23rd January 2018 - Integris Jan 2018 Census - Update 1


2017 - 2018

29th December 2017 - Integris Update - Jan Census 2018

6th December 2017 - GDPR Update and more sessions planned

5th December 2017 -  RM Integris Autumn Newsletter

6th November 2017 - Invite to GDPR Briefing session - 23rd November 2017

3rd November 2017 - SWF Census - Important update 2

3rd November 2017 - SWF Census - Important update

10th October 2017 - GDPRiS demo sessions

5th October 2017 - Important - Autumn Census Update 1

2nd October 2017 - G2 Update - Updating GIAS - replacement for Edubase

4th September 2017 - G2 Update 1 - important new term message from CBICT

19th July 2017 - Sept Workshop on GDPR- new data protection regulations

14th July 2017 - CBICT - Enhanced Services support renewal

10th June 2017 - G2 Assessment update

16th June 2017 - G2 - summer assessment update

25th May 2017 - G2 Update - Performance Dashboard 2017 for reporting on summative results

14th May 2017 - IntegrisG2 News Summer 2017 No: 4 sent to all schools

20th April 2017 - G2 Newsletter No:3 Summer 2017 sent to all schools

31st March 2017 - DfE Primary Assessment Consultation

29th March 2017 - G2 User Forum Special: Sent to all schools

7th March 2017 - IntegrisG2 Newsletter No:2 Spring 2017 sent to all schools

10th January 2017 - Renewal of 1st Line support for IntegrisG2 - action required!


2016 - 2017

15th December 2016 - G2 Update - Invoicing and New Starters

7th December 2016 - CBICT Newsletter No:1 sent to all schools

17th November 2016 - G2 Update -  Attendance & Advanced Find LiteBites released

31st October 2016 - G2 Update - SWF Census SenCo query and new COLLECT docs

14th October 2016 - Important G2 Update - Changes to LA staff record required

11th October 2016 - G2 Census Update - YR Funded Hours

27th September 2016 - G2 Update - Dataclean Checklist - Nationality

23rd September 2016 - G2 Update - School Census Autumn - Known Issues

16th September 2016 - CBCIT website issues

13th September 2016 - CBICT Services 16 - 17 Gentle reminder

12th September 2016 - G2 Update - Aut School Census changes

12th September 2016 - G2 Update - EYFSP Assessment announcement

6th September 2016 - G2 Phonics Forum passwords sent

6th September 2016 - G2 EYF Forum passwords sent

6th September 2016 - G2 SWF Forum passwords sent

6th September 2016 - G2 Essentials Forum passwords sent

6th September 2016 - G2 Update - Support for 16/17


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